Monday, February 14, 2011

The week of February 14 - 18

This week my classes will be wrapping up The Great Depression and it seems to me like a good time to have the iPads make my life a little easier by using them for assessments.  I am very fortunate in that my school provides a web site that I can post announcements, links, notes, homework, etc to.  I am even more fortunate that this website also gives me the ability to make tests and quizzes that are automatically graded and if I choose it can give immediate feedback to my students on questions they missed.  I have used this quiz/test function several times during the school year in the computer lab, but this time I plan to use it in the classroom on the iPads.  My classes have done a couple of dry runs, but when I test this Wednesday the goal is to have all of the bugs worked out.

I think administering assessments in this manner will have two positive points.  
1.  It will save me time!  I won't have to spend time after school grading tests.  I can post on the blog about how well it went instead :)
2.  Most, if not all, of my student will have to take the SOL tests this spring using a computer.  This should give them more practice testing in a electronic format than they would normally get.

If you have the time go by and check out my school website:
It is nothing fancy, but it does meet my classroom needs.

Please feel free to post any comments you have about this blog or my website.


  1. I went to view your webpage that you have for your students and I must say nice work. I respect how you are giving your students more practice on the computer with test taking. What bugs you have come across when using this LMS?

  2. iGriffin.. what does LMS stand for?

  3. I totally agree with giving exposure to computer test-taking, and really like the fact that data is readily available when students take tests online. Let me know how it goes so I can try it sometime.
    Also...LMS- learning management system

  4. My assessments went well today. There were a few minor glitches, but they were easily fixed. If I could only fix a few of my students grades by pressing refresh my job would be so much easier.
